Frequently Asked Questions

After I reach out and express interest in building my luxury home with you, what are the next steps?

We will schedule a conference call, review lots/land and all items of your needs. Most of the time clients already have their lots or are in the process of lot selection. We consult with you that what you are trying to accomplish will work on the lot you’re looking at purchasing.

How do we find land to build our new home on if we haven’t already started looking when we reach out?

We have agents that specialize in land searches to meet your specific needs, from there on we consult and provide pros/cons on each parcel, review criteria with architectural review boards, and assess any limitations on the lots. The earlier we are involved the better choices you can make as a client for your dream home.

How do I as the client, get all the permits to build a new home and how can you help me with this?

We are a one-stop shop from the moment you select your land. We design the entire project from the ground up, deal with all the municipalities, architectural review boards and coordinate with all involved engineers and design partners involved in the process of permit plans – Engineers: civil, structural, energy, lighting, mechanical. Designers; landscape, interior material selections and finishes. Trades: native plant, grading, plumbing, electrical, hvac, framing, foundation, roofer, ext. Windows & doors, stucco, stone & masonry, swimming pool & water features, custom steel, wood work & beams, iron

How do I know what vendors to use to help build my dream home?

We have our preferred vendors that we have built relationships with over the years, best of all our vendors are up to the standards that our discerning clientele expects. There are occasions that clients have a certain vendor that they would like to utilize for their project and we are open to do so as well.

What program do you use to build the 3D renderings?

We use a new cutting edge program mostly used in Europe and it integrates with our CAD programs to synergize the design process. The old way of “sketching, then blueprints and then renderings” are a thing of the past. We design your entire home via photo realistic modeling, you see everything prior to production of blueprints. Your blueprints are the final stage, not the 1st stage. Everything is worked out and finalized on your design PRIOR to generating blueprints. Since our clients view their entire house this ensures no surprises and best of all no regrets when the blueprints are complete.

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